Promise SATA controllers & FreeBSD-7

Peter Schuller peter.schuller at
Thu Oct 11 14:58:29 PDT 2007

> Alternatively, if anyone can recommend a cheap PCI SATA card which is
> known to work well with FreeBSD-7, I might just end up buying that...

There is the supermicro card based on Marvell 88SX6081. I'm using it
on 7 so far with good results (in terms of stability anyway;
performance is not that great but that could be due to other reasons;
the hardware is not exactly high end otherwise).

Someone recently mentioned something about the marvell chipset support
being broken by recent changes, but I have yet to hear back what it
would be. I haven't had issues so far, with 7 drives, out of which 6
are in a ZFS raidz2 and thus often accesses concurrently.

The good part about the card is that you can get it for ~ 100 EUR and
it has 8 SATA ports.

I'll dig up the card model number if you wish, but it's in the
archives, and google("supermicro marvell") should do the trick.

/ Peter Schuller

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