Announcing pkg_search

Garrett Cooper youshi10 at
Tue Dec 4 17:25:46 PST 2007

Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> Quoting "Denise H. G." <darcsis at> (from Mon, 03 Dec 2007 
> 21:21:32 +0800):
>> Matthias Schmidt <schmidtm at> writes:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I am not really sure if this is the appropriate list ... if its not,
>>> please redirect me to the right one.
>>> I wrote a small script called pkg_search to help me searching my local
>>> ports tree for a port/package without using "make search name=" or
>>> something like  Its not a big deal, but it eases my
>>> daily pkg_add life a bit :)
>> Hi
>> I am also interested in `pkg_install' tools. A couple of weeks ago I
>> planned to rewrite the `pkg_install' tools from scratch. And first of
> I hope you are aware of the Google Summer of Code 2007 project with 
> the goal to improve the pkg_* stuff...
> Bye,
> Alexander.

Yes, I know that I'm slow in this regard but I was much busier this 
summer compared to what I originally expected. I started work on it 
again, but I need to get through finals and some final projects first 
before fully dedicating more time to revising pkg_install (last quarter 
of school).

All of my work that I'm continuing on (somewhat jumbled up right now), 
exists within v2 under the depot page that Alexander provided above.. 
libpkg is much better design-wise than the current pkg_install 


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