(no subject)

Wojciech A. Koszek wkoszek at freebsd.org
Tue Jun 13 23:05:00 UTC 2006


I have implemented The MemTrace -- a simple tool, which lets you see where
kernel memory allocation was done -- source file name, line number,
malloc'ed type and size, as well as the address of the allocated memory. Not
only does it track memory allocation, but also free() calls with allocated
addresses. Each allocation is tracked until free() is done, which means
memory chunk was properly deallocated. Such case won't be reported. Results
are kept in a fixed-sized cache, which is available through sysctl
vm.memtrace.show. Number of allocations is specified with MEMTRACE_ENTRIES
variable. If large number of unfree'ed memory is investigated, there's a
possibility for fetching useful data via ktr(9) for later analysis. Thus,
you'll have to set KTR_MALLOC in debug.ktr.mask. You can also use ALQ with
KTR, if you want to obtain a lot of entries.

Packed source code is here:


You can get this tool from perforce.freebsd.org, exact location:


Please let me know if you've found it useful. I wonder if we could have it
commited, upon careful testing.

Wojciech A. Koszek
wkoszek at FreeBSD.org

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