if_re does not work

Bill Paul wpaul at FreeBSD.ORG
Tue Jul 11 20:32:13 UTC 2006

> > In theory the bus_alloc_resource(.., SYS_RES_IRQ, ...) should route an 
> > interrupt for the re0 device but it won't show up in the probe line in that 
> > case since the probe line is printed before re_attach() is called.  In fact,
> > in the failing case, it wasn't bus_alloc_resource() that failed, but
> > bus_setup_intr().  This is most likely not an re0 issue however.
> > 
> > goto-san, can you add printf's to i386/i386/intr_machdep.c:intr_add_handler()
> > and kern/kern_intr.c:intr_event_add_handler() to see which of the EINVAL
> > cases is being triggered?
> I added printf() to 2 functions (one in intr_add_handler() and two
> in intr_event_add_handler()) and re-build my kernel and reboot my
> ThinkPad X40. But I could not get any printf's messages.
> And I have a question. Why INTR_FAST was added in re_attach()?
> When I deleted it and re-build if_re modules, my card was attached.

INTR_FAST added because the driver was converted to use 'fast' interrupts.

I really hope nobody's going to tell me that INTR_FAST isn't supported with


-Bill Paul            (510) 749-2329 | Senior Engineer, Master of Unix-Fu
                 wpaul at windriver.com | Wind River Systems
              <adamw> you're just BEGGING to face the moose

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