Call for stge(4) testers

Pyun YongHyeon pyunyh at
Mon Jul 10 02:27:52 UTC 2006

On Sat, Jul 08, 2006 at 09:24:23PM -0700, Matthew Jacob wrote:
 > Jason THorpe did one for NetBSD.
 > I did one for Solaris. Nice chip. Too bad it wasn't more popular.

I'm satisfied with the performance and easy interface for the chip.
But the lack of Tx interrupt moderation and extra accesses to a
status register to check which kind of Tx errors were occurred are
serious fault. Since the the error condition uses the same status
bit in interrupt status register it's hard to distingush failures
from sucess without extra register accesses.

BTW, I still have no clue how jumbo frame work on this chip. The
documentation from wpaul didn't say any special things regarding
jumbo frame. For instance the doc. said it supports jumbo frame
up to 9022 but it seems the NIC can work with larger size.
Even windows driver has a larger size than this, so I'm curious
important part for jumbo frame were not released?

Pyun YongHyeon

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