Fast releases demand binary updates.. (Was: Release schedule for 2006 )

Eric Anderson anderson at
Thu Jan 12 05:13:55 PST 2006

Daniel O'Connor wrote:

>On Thu, 12 Jan 2006 18:07, Jo Rhett wrote:
>>On Fri, Jan 06, 2006 at 10:20:11PM +1030, Daniel O'Connor wrote:
>>>I imagine there are a few committers interested, but I'd say you need to
>>>ask the right way first..
>>As in...?
>I don't know any personally, but then again I only know about 3 committers 
>which is not a large percentage.
>>But again, there are lots of people interested in this topic.  Colin for
>>an obvious one.  But if Colin can't convince the team to take this on,
>>where do you start?
>Colin is a committer.
>You write the code under his guidance.
>He commits it.
>So, there you go, problem solved.

That's true, if you can find a committer willing to help - and I think 
that's the issue.  I've tried numerous times to contact committers of 
certain areas, asking quick questions, or things like 'if I build this, 
would it be comittable?' - with about 80% of the time receiving no 
response.  Now, I'm not complaining, or claiming they should reply - 
they are volunteers and already busy doing their regular life stuff in 
addition to the FreeBSD code they contribute.  I'm just mentioning it as 
a data point, that it is pretty hard to find a committer willing to 
mentor someone, or at a minimum, give them pointers.  The -hackers list 
is excellent as far as answering most technical questions (rapidly!), 
but in the end, it is pretty difficult to find a committer to listen to 
you, unless you already have patches ready to roll, since that takes 
less time of course.

Maybe, on the FreeBSD developers page, we could have a list of 
categories and mentors for those categories for those willing to work on 
code to contact with questions, etc.  Then committers could volunteer as 
a mentor for a category they enjoy..  Or is it enough to just post to 
-hackers asking 'anyone want to mentor me?' ?


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't.

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