reversed behavior with nsswitch.conf

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Sat Feb 18 03:42:18 PST 2006

Am Fri, 17 Feb 2006 11:09:21 -0500
schrieb Foo <foo at>:

> Hi,
> I have run into this as well.  I am a student in a class that required 
> us to set up sendmail in an environment where we don't have access to 
> the local DNS, so all our resolution is done via /etc/hosts.  I had to 
> be able to send email between our three *nix boxes, and it kept breaking 
> on the DNS resolution. Initially, I used mailertable entries to 
> circumvent the issue since every other strategy I found to turn off DNS 
> resolution for sendmail didn't work.  However, upon reading this, I 
> switched the order of the
> "hosts" settings in nsswitch.conf and got rid of the mailertable entries 
> and it worked.  So yes, I have run into the issue as well.  I am using 
> 6.0-RELEASE.

Is it possible for you to update to 6.1-BETA2? Either by doing a binary
update or by updating /usr/src and doing a build/install?

I haven't tested it, but someone suggested in private mail to use
"hosts: files [success=return] dns" (he told me this is the way linux
distributions are doing this) which suggests that the documented
default criteria in nsswitch.conf(5) doesn't work. Can you test if this
work-around works?


            The dark ages were caused by the Y1K problem.                       Alexander @
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