Slight interface change on the watchdog fido

Nick Hibma nick at
Sun Dec 10 07:10:26 PST 2006

>>   cognet at	i80321_wdog.c (*)
>> (*) The i80321_wdog.c cannot be disarmed. Is this correct?
> If true, then this is a poster-child for the WD_PASSIVE need, the idea
> being that if userland says "I'll not pat the dog anymore" and the hardware
> cannot be disabled, the kernel shoul do it.

~he implementation of the WD_PASSIVE part is on my list.

I don't quite agree with you on the kernel taking over though. When 
testing watchdogs you should be able to see that you could not disarm 
it, as you would otherwise get mysterious hard reboots. I'd rather have 
watchdogd refuse to exit if it cannot disarm the watchdog. I'll put that 
on my list too.


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