cvsync doesn't work simply on 7-current with SYMVER_ENABLED=yes

Daniel Eischen deischen at
Sun Dec 3 09:03:27 PST 2006

On Mon, 4 Dec 2006, Norikatsu Shigemura wrote:

> On Sat, 2 Dec 2006 14:47:24 -0500 (EST)
> Daniel Eischen <deischen at> wrote:
>>> 	ume@ said that I don't know it is right.  Old resolver codes
>>> 	and RPC didn't use _kqueue.  In fact, there are some kqueue
>>> 	in some libc codes.
>> Yes, I saw them (see my previous email from a few days ago)...
>> Are you using cached?  You have to change all kevent()'s in
>> net/nscachedcli.c to _kevent().
> 	Yes, I'm using cached.  I did change all kevent and kqueue
> 	to _kevent and _kqueue in net/nscachedcli.c, and test cvsync.
> 	Please see following patch.  But I don't feel improvement:-(.

It must be something specific to your environment because it works
here and that is without _any_ patches to libc.  I am not using

   $ cat /etc/make.conf
   $ uname -v
   FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT #4: Sat Nov 18 11:30:59 EST 2006 ...
   $ readelf -sW /usr/local/bin/cvsync | grep FBSD_1.0
        1: 00000000    39 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND fprintf at FBSD_1.0 (2)
        3: 00000000    64 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND time at FBSD_1.0 (2)
        4: 00000000    84 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND write at FBSD_1.0 (3)
      557: 00000000    90 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND fnmatch@@FBSD_1.0
      561: 00000000     0 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND readlink@@FBSD_1.0
      571: 00000000     0 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND fstat@@FBSD_1.0

   $ cvsync -4 -v 'cvsync://'
   Connecting to port 7777
   Connected to port 7777
   Protocol: 0.24
   Hash: MD5
   Exchanging collection list...
    collection name "freebsd-src" release "rcs" umask 022
   Compression: none
   Trying to establish the multiplexed channel...
   Updating (collection freebsd-src/rcs)
    Mkdir src
    Create src/COPYRIGHT,v
    Create src/CVS-INFO,v -> Attic
    Create src/HW.TROUBLE,v -> Attic
    Create src/LOCKS,v
    Create src/MAINTAINERS,v
    Create src/Makefile,v
    Create src/Makefile.alpha,v -> Attic
    Create src/Makefile.inc0,v -> Attic
    Create src/Makefile.inc1,v
    Create src/Makefile.upgrade,v -> Attic
    Create src/,v
    Create src/README,v
    Create src/TODO,v -> Attic

I didn't let it finish, but figured it was OK if it got that far.


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