7-CURRENT-SNAP009-i386-bootonly.iso on Shuttle XPC w/ AMD X2 (was Re: Side note on Shuttle XPC)

Matthew Dillon dillon at apollo.backplane.com
Fri Nov 18 14:55:04 PST 2005

:>     Is there an SMP i386 ISO I can try?  Maybe one with standard unix
:>     commands on it so I can play around?
:Try the Fixit CD option.  The disc1 ISO is a Fixit CD now.  You have to 
:download disc1.iso though rather than bootonly.iso, bootonly.iso just has the 
:sysinstall bits and nothing else.  disc1 has the distributions themselves as 
:well as the full Fixit layout.
:John Baldwin <jhb at FreeBSD.org>  <><  http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
:"Power Users Use the Power to Serve"  =  http://www.FreeBSD.org

    Ok, 7-CURRENT-SNAP009-i386-disc1.iso downloaded, installed... that
    works a lot better though the emergency holographic shell on ttyv4 is
    completely useless.  Instead of making people to go into 'fixit' mode
    with an option, just throw the binaries onto the CD natively like we
    do so a shell just works without having to do any special setup.  It's
    also a lot more convenient to have a complete system sitting there for
    recovery or comparison purposes if you just want to mount the CD rather
    then boot from it.

    In anycase, this kernel does appear to boot ok SMP, and the devices 
    work, with the exception of NVE which is kinda half-baked (has the 
    watchdog issue) previously discussed.  It also only negotiates 100BaseTX,
    so you need to add GiGE support as well.  As mentioned previously, you
    can enable GiGE through the MII interface by using the defacto standard
    speed extension bit.

    Interrupts appear to be routed properly, so going through ACPI link is
    definitely the ticket.  If I boot without ACPI interrupts are completely

    I was incorrect in my previous comment about the bootonly CD not
    appearing to boot in SMP.  I had forgotten to update the BIOS on this
    particular XPC which is why it didn't see the second core on the X2.
    That's an important point, by the way... if people have problems with 
    the XPC make sure they have updated to the latest BIOS.  Updating the
    BIOS without a floppy drive is trivial, just construct the MSDOS boot
    floppy on a windows box, throw in the Shuttle flash programmer and
    BIOS update file, and burn a CD with the image.  Boot the CD in the 
    shuttle and you're good.

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at backplane.com>

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