skype on current/5.x and maestro-2E sound

Mathew Kanner mat at
Mon May 16 07:28:58 PDT 2005

On May 16, Luigi Rizzo wrote:
> actually that was for asterisk, but should help both.
> This said, my changes affected both the infrastructure code,
> and one specific driver (ich) which did have issues
> (miscomputing the block size in certain cases) causing
> similar problems (choppy sound etc.).

	D'oh.  Yes, now I remember.  But as you say, it should fix the
exact same problem.  BTW, this problem is on a per-driver basis as far
as I can tell.

> Given the nature of the drivers, with code often cut&pasted
> from one to the other, it is likely that there are similar
> issues elsewhere.
> Which reminds me... was it you, Mat, who promised to have a
> look at the code and possibly commit to current ? :)

	I promise I didn't promise.

	I spent some time playing with the buffer patches, but I've
been really busy the last couple of weeks...  The timing is impeccable
as I'm getting rid of the land line this week in favor of VOIP and I
might get a sip enabled number (line?) at the same time.  (If I read
the ad right, it's 1 cent a minute)


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