Strange top(1) output

Chuck Swiger cswiger at
Wed May 11 10:24:55 PDT 2005

Oliver Brandmueller wrote:
> On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 11:54:59AM -0400, Andre Guibert de Bruet wrote:
>>Wasn't the old max length of GECOS 8 chars? Setting it to anything less 
>>starts to become too short -- You're better off just outputting the UID.
> I vote for removing (or make it optional) the code that measures 
> username lengths. I have a system with >90k users (in LDAP) and it takes 
> quite some time to find out the longest (just to cut the number down to 
> 13 afterwards anyway). This even happens with "-u" in the standard top.

+1.  It's silly to scan the list of users to find the length of the longest 
username, just in order to make the output *not* fit into 80 columns.  :-)


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