lapic@2k interrukts eating CPU cycles

Scott Long scottl at
Wed Jun 22 14:53:50 GMT 2005

Emanuel Strobl wrote:

> Am Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2005 15:57 schrieb Scott Long:
> [...]
>>>I've never seen before I
>>>upgraded to -current (short before the code freeze to help finding
>>Because you have 'options APIC' in your kernel, and your running a post
>>5.2 version of FreeBSD that has a massively improved interrupt routing
>>system in it.
> I've been running 5-current on that machine with "options APIC" for a long 
> time, back to when I had to include NO-MIXEDMODE to get it working until I 
> think Robeert Watson gave me some patches.
> But I never had lapic so I was wondering...

Ah, you were talking about the interrupt stats.  Yes, the lapic shows up 
there now because we use it for system timers now.  It's much more 
compatible with modern hardware, and theoretically is friendly for SMP.


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