dhclient and wpa_supplicant

Sam Leffler sam at errno.com
Sat Jul 30 01:08:17 GMT 2005

Brooks fixed a bunch of bugs in dhclient and I just committed an 
important fix to wpa_supplicant to work right when wireless cards are 
ejected (previously it would loop).

I also tested that dhclient does the right thing for roaming between 
ap's--switching causes dhclient to immediately collect a new lease.

I just ran tests with wpa_supplicant and found that it does appear to 
handle open ap's properly.

Everything except the wpa_supplicant changes have been MFC'd to RELENG_6 
for the 6.0RC2 build that's going to happen soon (I'm hoping to get re 
to approve the wpa_supplicant changes).

So the question is what are the outstanding issues with dhclient and 
wpa_supplicant?  I'm mostly concerned with wireless devices but feel 
free to talk about wired interfaces too.  If something doesn't work 
right please try to give steps to reproduce the problem.  Otherwise 
please provide detailed info include ifconfig output.  Remember that 
dhclient logs info to /var/log/messages and you should also see link 
state change msgs there too.


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