unnecessary savecore warnings

Robert Watson rwatson at FreeBSD.org
Sun Jul 17 12:51:23 GMT 2005

On Sat, 16 Jul 2005, Nate Lawson wrote:

> I noticed that in the past few months, savecore has begun complaining if 
> the bounds file in /var/crash doesn't exist.  Can we add it to 
> /usr/src/etc/Makefile like the corresponding entry for minfree?
> Also, I noticed that /etc/rc.d/savecore has started complaining early in 
> boot if you have dumpdev="AUTO", giving the message "kenv: unable to get 
> dumpdev". Of course, it works just fine and detects the slice with 
> "swap" in /etc/fstab.  So the warning is spurious and should be 
> silenced.

I've noticed this also, and see if on my NanoBSD Soekris box.  Given that 
the machine doesn't have a partition set up for dumping, and I don't want 
its dumps, I'd rather it didn't complain, as that will just cause 
unnecessary worry and questions.

This is similar to the devfs-at-shutdown error.  An error message that is 
a result of a harmless "problem" results in significant concern for 
end-users, which results in more bug reports, less happy users, etc.

Robert N M Watson

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