Problems with OpenBSD dhclient

Ryan Sommers ryans at
Fri Jul 15 13:04:24 GMT 2005

Sam Leffler wrote:
> Something is busted; I'll need to investigate.  If you want to help you 
> can run ieee80211watch (from tools/tools/ath) while things happen and 
> note the events that get sent by the kernel.
>     Sam

I've been having very similar problems with wireless and DHCP. My case
is somewhat different though. Instead of DHCP not only not setting the
default route, it doesn't even seem to be setting up a routing socket.

For the past few weeks my sequence while on the road using APs where I
don't know them before hand has been:

1) dstumbler to find AP name
2) add entry to /etc/dhclient.conf
3) Run dhclient to see IP address assignment
4) Manually take the interface down and bring it back up setting media
as in dhclient.conf entry
5) Assign IP address and create the default route.

Lately dhclient hasn't even been setting the IP address all the time.
And for a slightly longer time if I simply tried to create/change the
default route to the new gateway I would get a no routing socket error.
Manually taking the interface down and up solved this.

Note though, this only applies to wireless, wired dhclient plays very

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help diagnose.

Ryan Sommers
ryans at

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