dhclient.conf for ath wireless

Erik Nørgaard norgaard at locolomo.org
Tue Jul 5 08:18:49 GMT 2005


This is posibly just missing documentation, but it may be a bug or 
undesirable behaivour. I have read the ath, ifconfig, dhclient and 
dhclient.conf man pages, searched the web and asked in questions@, but 
not found an answer.

I am running -CURRENT with the new port of dhclient from OpenBSD. The 
problem is that dhclient most often associante with my neighbours AP 
instead of mine.

The man-pages mentions the "media" statement and according to the 
examples I can find in google I should add an entry like this:

interface "ath0" {
     media "ssid MYAP mode 11g";

in dhclient.conf. But on boot, dhclient enters into an infinite loop 
bringing up and down the interface, until I break it. I have to manually 
run "ifconfig ath0 ssid MYAP mode 11g" and then start dhclient manually 
to force it to associate correctly with MYAP.

Can anyone point me to the correct documentation?

I recall seeing one example which mentions something like this entry in 

interface_ath0="ssid MYAP mode 11g DHCP"

Is this correct?

Also, according to the examples I have seen, I should be able to list 
multiple wireless networks with the media option in dhclient.conf and 
dhclient will try them in order.

This is cool since I can then configure my nic to associate depending on 
where I am. This seems not to be posible if the configuration goes into 

I have a 3Com wireless NIC and a comtrend AP. My dhcp server is isc-dhcp 
v.3 running on FBSD 5.4. I usually get associated with my neighbours 
3Com AP running with a default setup.

Thanks, Erik

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