minor WPA problem on a Thinkpad R40

Bakul Shah bakul at BitBlocks.com
Fri Jul 1 23:48:29 GMT 2005

After suspend/resume the old wpa_supplicant does not die
and ath0 does not come up.  Manually running
    /etc/rc.d/netif stop ath0
    /etc/rc.d/netif start ath0
does the right thing.  I am running yesterday's kernel.
rc.conf contains

    ifconfig_ath0="WPA DHCP"

Not sure if I am doing something wrong or if this area still
needs work.  As I understand it, wpa_supplicant should die
when an interface goes down just like dhclient should.

Another curious behavior is that after a manual
    ifconfig ath0 down
the interface does not stay down.

On the whole I am very impressed with just how easy it has
been to install current and get wireless stuff working on
this laptop (now if only I can get the middle mouse button
working and deal with other minor annoyances...)

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