dhclient with non present devices

incmc at gmx.de incmc at gmx.de
Mon Feb 28 22:00:08 GMT 2005

> Starting and stopping dhclient on removable interfaces is taken care of
> by devd which calls the /etc/pccard_ether script.  You should have
> ifconfig_ath="DHCP" and removable_interfaces="ath0" in your
> /etc/rc.conf for this to happen.


thanks a lot, works great. However when deactivating my ath card sometimes
freebsd doesn't renew dhclient for fxp0. So the system stays disconnected.
Any   idea? As far as I understand it, dhlcient only gets restarted, when
ath0 is comming up, not when it is going down. So the default routes stay
on ath0, even if it's not present any more...


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