5.4 and USB keyboard support

Marian Hettwer MH at kernel32.de
Sat Feb 26 14:29:43 GMT 2005

Hej Martin,

Martin Nilsson wrote:
> Can we put this issue on the 5.4 todo so that it gets tested on more 
> keyb/KVM/motherbord-BIOS combinations than I have here.
Just one question: Why do you use a KVM System to Access a Unix box 
(FreeBSD) ? You could easily use serial access, even during installation.
If you're lucky your BIOS is new enough to support Redirection to Serial 
If not, and if you don't need to access the BIOS, a serial console 
server should fit much better into your environment.

Just some thoughts ...

best regards,


You are not my son!

		-- Homer Simpson
		   Boy-Scoutz n the Hood

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