newfs limits? 10TB filesystem max?

Eric Anderson anderson at
Fri Feb 18 15:10:13 GMT 2005

Don Lewis wrote:
>>>23436833440, 23437209760, 23437586080, 23437962400, 23438338720,newfs: 
>>>wtfs: 65536 bytes at sector 23438715040: Cannot allocate memory
>>>newfs -U -s 23438338720 /dev/vinum/plex/raid.p0 
>>>works.. So I'm losing the last part of my partition..
>>I'm guessing you are hitting the process datasize limit with newfs.  You
>>should be able to raise it a bit from the default.  Be warned, that fsck
>>has much higher memory requirements so recovery may be difficult if not
>>impossiable without a 64-bit machine.
> I don't know of any reason that newfs would need a lot of memory.  I
> would think that it's memory usage would be independent of file system
> size.
> I just looked at the code, and the error message seems to be triggered
> by bwrite() in libufs failing.  There is a potential pair of calls in
> malloc()/free() in bwrite(), but I think the more likely problem is that
> pwrite() is failing.
> I seem to to recall seeing a recent kernel commit that changed an ENOMEM
> error return to something else like EFBIG or ENOSPC.

Anything I can do to help debug this?


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
I have seen the future and it is just like the present, only longer.

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