pcre in base system

Sergey Lyubka valenok at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 17:19:06 GMT 2005

I do use sed frequently.
Recently I modified it to use pcre, and was pleased with
the result. Not-so-trivial regular expressions are much
easy to write using perl syntax.
As the backward compatibility will not be destroyed,
I felt that it would be good having such sed in the base.
By no means I want to reintroduce perl.

> What about people who need such and such version of perl,
> such and such version of pcre, and so on? FreeBSD needs
take a look at the expat library.
It was imported, and given different name - libbsdxml.

> to be more modularized, more things going to ports, not the other way around.
totally agree. But if the default tool can be done better that
it is now, why not do it better?


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