ntpdate behavior changes between 4.x, 5.x and CURRENT

Andre Guibert de Bruet andy at siliconlandmark.com
Thu Feb 17 19:24:13 GMT 2005


This is the output of ntpdate on a 4.11 machine:
alpha# ntpdate -b time-b.nist.gov > /dev/null

The following is output of ntpdate on a 5.3-stable machine:
vnode# ntpdate -b time-b.nist.gov > /dev/null
host found : time-b.nist.gov

The following is the output of ntpdate on a CURRENT machine:
bling# ntpdate -b time-b.nist.gov > /dev/null

Why is "host found : $server" printed to stderr on 5.x but not 4.x or 
CURRENT? I tried rebuilding my ntpd binaries with a blank make.conf just 
in case some option that I have in there was enabling some extra 
debugging. This wasn't the case. Anyone have any ideas?

vnode is:
FreeBSD vnode.properkernel.com 5.3-STABLE FreeBSD 5.3-STABLE #0: Sun Jan 30 19:28:28 EST 2005     andy at vnode.properkernel.com:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/VNODE  i386


| Andre Guibert de Bruet | Enterprise Software Consultant >
| Silicon Landmark, LLC. | http://siliconlandmark.com/    >

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