Bug in #! processing

Sławek Żak zaks at prioris.mini.pw.edu.pl
Thu Sep 30 05:05:26 PDT 2004

Ryan Sommers <ryans at gamersimpact.com> writes:

> Ceri Davies wrote:
>> That seems wrong too. #! shouldn't be magic anywhere other than at the
>>beginning of a file.
> I haven't looked at the code yet, on my list, but I'm guessing this was done to
> avoid a possible circular reference.

    What circular reference? Could you elaborate? The algorithm goes like this:

    1. skip all space till #!
    2. skip #! and read path for the interpreter
    3. find and split arguments
    4. invoke intepreter with it's path at argv[0], arguments at subsequent
       positions and append path to the script at the end.

    That's it, modulo : and no interpreter path at all in the script as legacy
    which is a special case anyway.


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