Sound performance problems in FreeBSD

Ryan Freeman ryan at
Sat Sep 25 19:53:04 PDT 2004

hello, sorry to drag up a slightly outdated topic, but i just installed 5.3beta5
and i'm having the same issue. the last time i used freebsd was back in march at
version 5.2 and 5.2.1. the issue existed then too, hence trying out 5.3beta5 now to
see if it was gone. while it isn't gone, i'm glad to see people are finally noticing
the problem as more than just "oh your hardware must be faulty". i ran the following:
> An easy way to reproduce these
> skips is to run `while true; do sysctl vm.vmtotal; done`, while 
> playing an mp3.
and i get the nice "person being removed from the matrix" effect. haven't yet tried
the patch, but i want to get on that asap. can anyone else verify that the patch
works? and furthermore, is it going to be worked into the freebsd source post-haste?
+;) thanks,
- ryan
hardware includes: athlon xp 1900+, 768mb DDR, sblive 5.1.

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