mldonkey won't die, isn't usable, and doesn't appear to be zombied.

Chris Laverdure dashevil at
Thu Sep 16 23:30:33 PDT 2004

Today I changed a few things in my kernel config around.

I replaced SCHED_4BSD with SCHED_ULE, added PREEMPTION.

I put some of the debugging features back in just incase I had any
problems. I figure a little bit of overhead is a small price to pay.

# Debugging for use in -current
options         KDB
options         DDB                     #Enable the kernel debugger
options         INVARIANTS              #Enable calls of extra sanity
options         INVARIANT_SUPPORT       #Extra sanity checks of internal
structures, required by INVARIANTS
#options        WITNESS                 #Enable checks to detect
deadlocks and cycles
#options        WITNESS_SKIPSPIN        #Don't run witness on spinlocks
for speed

and I removed some drivers that I had built into the kernel
(sound/network/etc) and use loadable modules now.

Anyway, I rebooted with this new kernel, loaded mldonkey up, and went
out with a friend to 7/11. ...taquitos... mhmmm.

I got home about an hour later. mldonkey is not responding to me at all.

So I tried to kill it...

This is my problem:
[incubus at elemental:~]$ ps aux | grep mlnet
incubus   703  0.0  8.4 22576 20972  p1  RN+  12:42AM   0:25.52
[incubus at elemental:~]$ kill -9 703
[incubus at elemental:~]$ kill -9 703
[incubus at elemental:~]$ kill -9 703
[incubus at elemental:~]$ ps aux | grep mlnet
incubus   703  0.0  8.4 22576 20972  p1  RN+  12:42AM   0:25.52
[incubus at elemental:~]$ su -
otp-md5 496 el2739 ext
[root at elemental:~]$ kill -9 703
[root at elemental:~]$ kill -9 703
[root at elemental:~]$ kill -9 703
[root at elemental:~]$ kill -9 703
[root at elemental:~]$ kill -9 703
[root at elemental:~]$ exit
[incubus at elemental:~]$ ps aux | grep mlnet
incubus   703  0.0  8.4 22576 20972  p1  RN+  12:42AM   0:25.52

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