5.3-Beta7 / router & ntpdate: bug in bootup script or sequence?

spam maps spamrefuse at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 12 06:16:55 PDT 2004


I have a router configured, which must properly
synchronize time at bootup. For that purpose I
use ntpdate to instantly adjust the time, then
have let ntpd keep syncing time while running.
All info for ntpdate and ntpd comes from

(ntpd also becomes the server of the local
network, but that's now not so relevant)

However, there seems to be something really odd
when network access is needed for ntpdate; it
simple cannot, and no time adjustment is done.

Strangely enough: after bootup I can manually
do the same ntpdate command, and it all works.

Whatever I tried, nothing seems to help to get
ntpdate do its work at bootup. My guess would
be that there's something wrong with the bootup
scripts or the sequence the scripts are called.

The full bootup output, rc.conf and ntp.conf
files are here:


I hope this may give an idea what is going wrong


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