find utility behaves different in 5.2 and 5.3

Dan Nelson dnelson at
Thu Nov 4 08:08:00 PST 2004

In the last episode (Nov 04), Claus Guttesen said:
> On 5.3 I can execute the following line in zsh:
> odin~%>find . -type d \! -name autoedit -depth 1
> ./172
> On a 5.2 I get:
> cyclop~%>find . -type d \! -name autoedit -depth 1
> find: 1: unknown option
> According to 'man 1 find' (examples) I should be able
> to use \! -name on 5.2.

And you can.  5.2 is complaining about the "1".  The "-depth n" syntax
was added between 5.2 and 5.3, so that's why it fails on 5.2.

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at

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