SF Bay area hackfest

jason jason at ec.rr.com
Tue Mar 23 17:02:07 PST 2004

Julian Elischer wrote:

>On Mon, 22 Mar 2004, Scott Long wrote:
>>On Mon, 22 Mar 2004, Julian Elischer wrote:
>>>I've been thinking that we had so much fun at the dev summit here that
>>>it might be a good idea to have a hackfest here for local
>>>FreeBSD types.. Something like from Saturday noon to Sunday Noon.
>>>Good connectivity, good CVS mirrors, test machines etc, drinks and
>>>lotso parking..  LOTS of whiteboard :-)A
>>>If anyone thinks this would be good let me know and I can start working
>>>on it..
>>>We always seem to get a lot done in the terminal room at USEnix etc.
>>>why not have a terminal room without the usenix?
>>>possible things for people to look at in groups..
>>>we could even have people dial in for some purposes/discussions
>>>"why wait?"
>>>project                expressd interest
>>>TLS/toolchain        	alfred, marcel, myself
>>>thread/sched interface	myself, peter
>>>play with firewire kgdb	me
>>>???			????
>>I'd love to attend, but my ability to get to the BA is limited.  Any
>>chance there could be some sort of interactive, or at least streaming,
>I was thinking that we could have several 'working goups and that a
>couple of them could have access to 'meeting room phones' and would be
>able to conference people in  who wanted to work on some particular
>thing but were not in the BA.. of course that is a limited facility but
>we could have a couple of people from outside help those here, here and
>there :-)
Have you heard of team speak?  I use it with my friends to conference 
call while on battle.net and it works great for us. It is also in the 
ports system.  It sounds like just what you are looking for.


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