SF Bay area hackfest

Julian Elischer julian at elischer.org
Mon Mar 22 17:17:37 PST 2004

I've been thinking that we had so much fun at the dev summit here that
it might be a good idea to have a hackfest here for local 
FreeBSD types.. Something like from Saturday noon to Sunday Noon.

Good connectivity, good CVS mirrors, test machines etc, drinks and
lotso parking..  LOTS of whiteboard :-)A

If anyone thinks this would be good let me know and I can start working
on it..

We always seem to get a lot done in the terminal room at USEnix etc.
why not have a terminal room without the usenix?

possible things for people to look at in groups..
we could even have people dial in for some purposes/discussions

"why wait?"

project                expressd interest
TLS/toolchain        	alfred, marcel, myself
thread/sched interface	myself, peter
play with firewire kgdb	me
???			????

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