system lockup - ata spurious interrupts - somehow updated

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Sun Mar 21 05:02:39 PST 2004

On Sun, 21 Mar 2004 12:33:19 +0100
Søren Schmidt <sos at> wrote:

> Now, the above is more likely an interrupt setup/routing problem of 
> sorts, if you get spurious interrupts *something* is yanking the 
> interrupt line, but ATA knows that it hasn't requested anything and 
> spits out the "spurious" warning.

Does this also explain why I get a freezed system at boot time after
alot of those warnings when I enable HT (-current as of yesterday)?

> That said, the ICH5 support is written "blindfolded" as I do not have 
> any such HW here in the lab. So if there is a problem with ATA on those, 
> someone with the HW and enough kernel clue should look into it (or 
> someone could land the needed HW in my lab, which could also bring 
> support for the SW RAID on intel's)...

I have the hardware and I'm willing to fix this problem. What kernel
clue are we talking about?


           I will be available to get hired in April 2004.                       Alexander @
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