Disable HTT on Serverworks GC-HE chipset

Daniel Lang dl at leo.org
Sat Mar 20 03:07:00 PST 2004

Hi Martin,

Martin Blapp wrote on Sat, Mar 20, 2004 at 03:20:22AM +0100:

Could you give some hints to determine the exact chipset?
I run a Dell PE 2650, which I suspect uses such a chipset,
but I would like to be sure. The box runs -STABLE with
HTT enabled and has no problems, so far. However, I plan
to upgrade to -CURRENT soon, so I would like to know any
possible pitfalls in advance.

Thanks a lot.

IRCnet: Mr-Spock                                    - Eddie would go! -
 Daniel Lang * dl at leo.org * +49 89 289 18532 * http://www.leo.org/~dl/
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