Nuking parts of the world

Colin Percival colin.percival at
Tue Mar 16 02:26:45 PST 2004

At 10:20 16/03/2004, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
>    maybe -bind-server and -bind-clients would fit the bill for both
>     of us. this is about granularity after all.

   Yes, that's what I was thinking of.

> >   Well, the ports tree already has "freebsd-games", "freebsd-uucp",
> > and "freebsd-update"; it might be confusing if the -base- were omitted.
> > Better to err on the side of verbosity.
>     ok, but then freebsd-base should become freebsd-base-base.

   In the patch I put together, freebsd-base doesn't exist as a package;
rather, it's a placeholder name for files which haven't been put into
a removable package.  If these were going to be a package, it would be
called freebsd-base-core or something like that... but since the entire
point of this exercise is to make it easy to remove groups of related
files, and removing the freebsd "core" would render a system unusable,
I didn't see any reason to register that package.

Colin Percival

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