"nanobsd" prototype

Bob Bishop rb at gid.co.uk
Fri Mar 12 00:12:57 PST 2004


At 20:10 11/03/2004, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
>As I understand it picoBSD has never managed the 4.x->5.x transition
>and is scheduled to be removed if nobody starts paying attention
>to it soon.

Um, well it certainly works and we'd be unhappy if it disappeared because 
it's running all our routers perfectly fine:

# sysctl -n kern.version
FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT #3: Tue Apr  8 15:04:04 BST 2003
     rb at spambox2.gid.co.uk:/usr/home/rb/build_dir-agate/PICOBSD-agate

Bob Bishop		    +44 (0)118 977 4017
rb at gid.co.uk		fax +44 (0)118 989 4254

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