Silicon Image Sil 3112 SATARaid Controller

Julian Elischer julian at
Thu Mar 11 17:17:25 PST 2004

Putinas Piliponis wrote:
> I know its current, but 4-STABLE is not supporting new hardware.
> at testing time, when I decide to move to 5.2 I could not get working
> 4-STABLE with ICH5 either it was listed as suported hardware,
> and yes I did check what is supported before buy new mobo.
> But sorry, when it boot with attached drives to sata - it hangs.
> I changed to 5.2 not because I wish to make testing, but because
> there was no other choise.

I understand your frustration. In particular with teh ata code..

Soeren is having a very hard time because ther eare so many broken
implementations out there that trying to get one going seems to often break
another. It seems an impossible task... Te=he manufacturers all seem to only 
test with windows so unless we exactly duplicate the windows drivers
we may almost never be able to get it all to work perfectly..
I sometimes feel we should all hold hands and have a 'healing circle and
blessing and ask that our various deities smile on Soeren's task
and through divine intervention illuminate teh one true path through the maze.

(can you tell I'm still on "the good stuff" after a small surgery yesterday :-)

+------------------------------------+       ______ _  __
|   __--_|\  Julian Elischer         |       \     U \/ / hard at work in
|  /       \ julian at     +------>x   USA    \ a very strange
| (   OZ    )                                \___   ___ | country !
+- X_.---._/    presently in San Francisco       \_/   \\

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