LOR in yesterday CURRENT: system map vs Giant

flag at oltrelinux.com flag at oltrelinux.com
Tue Mar 9 13:30:21 PST 2004

On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 12:10:40PM -0800, Peter Wemm wrote:
> This particular one was my fault, I believe it's been fixed.  However, I 
> also believe this particular LOR happens via other code paths that were 
> not my fault.

actually it's still there, and today (after a succesful 
buildkernel/installkernel) i got eveen a solid freeze of my laptop
with this on my text console:

panic: lockmgr: locking against myself at line 370 in file /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_lock.c
[something else]

i had DDB turned on in my kernel so i tried to panic but it was
completely freezed.
Now, i built again a new kernel without DDB, wishing that the next
crash will dump directly to disk... well, actually i don't really know
if disabling DDB would bring me directly to a crash dump, and i don't
think so but this problem (i mean the panic) shows a really random pattern 
and it's difficult to track it down...

any idea is welcome, i'm all ears...



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