umount not working

Colin Percival colin.percival at
Fri Mar 5 11:43:51 PST 2004

At 01:39 05/03/2004, Doom Neine wrote:
>i did a ls -lh /sbin/* and i see
>that all the files haven't been modified since the
>first time they were installed, except for
>/sbin/mksnap_ffs - i remember updating that with

   I suggest you run `freebsd-update IDS`.  Assuming
that the (rather small) set of binaries it uses are
operating correctly, this will compare your system
against the FreeBSD -RELEASE (plus FreeBSD Update
fixes) bits, and tell you which files in your system
have been modified (either deliberately or due to
hardware/software errors).

Colin Percival

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