Q's about IBM TSM (was Re: HEADSUP: ibcs2 and svr4 compatheaded for history)

Will Saxon WillS at housing.ufl.edu
Tue Jun 29 07:38:34 PDT 2004

> > I once polled users to get feedback about the demand for a BSD
> > client. Although I thought I got impressive numbers, the "offer" we
> > received was a joke (they would have charged 125,000 EUR 
> for the port
> > of a 5.x client, support for this client would have cost another
> > 25000 EUR and there would have been no updates to future versions).
> > 
> > However, if you would like to make another attempt, I can send you
> > the E-Mail responses I have collected so far, to show them, that
> > there is some demand.
> Casually mention that Veritas NetBackup supports FreeBSD and you were
> wondering what the migration path might be :)

It does? Under Linux emu I guess?

Their product literature doesn't seem to claim it, so I never really 
looked at it. I suspect there are a lot of folks like me who do the 
same thing - making it difficult to really gauge demand. I know I would
sure like a native version of 'DB2 Connect' for FreeBSD, but the numbers
quoted above sound about like the numbers quoted when someone asked about
DB2 connect a year or two ago.


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