OT: Solaris sources (was Re: HEADSUP: ibcs2 and svr4 compat headed for history)

Harti Brandt harti at freebsd.org
Tue Jun 29 00:31:28 PDT 2004

On Mon, 28 Jun 2004, Cyrille Lefevre wrote:

CL>"Alex Keahan" <alex at hightemplar.com> wrote:
CL>> On Saturday 26 Jun 2004 1:59 pm, Miguel Mendez wrote:
CL>> The Java source code is available.   The source code to Solaris 8 has
CL>> also been available for several years now.    Ok, so it's not BSD-licensed,
CL>> but it's certainly good enough to find the proper remedy to improve the
CL>> failing SVR4 compatibility code instead of axing it.
CL>do you know if the Solaris sources are still available somewhere ?

As far as I know you can register as a beta tester to get the most actual


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