Q's about IBM TSM (was Re: HEADSUP: ibcs2 and svr4 compatheaded for history)

Lukas Ertl le at FreeBSD.org
Mon Jun 28 12:29:53 PDT 2004

On Mon, 28 Jun 2004, Paul Seniura wrote:

>> The linux client trips over the whole filesystem overlay thing badly and
>> I'm not sure disabling that to run just the TSM client is a good idea.
>> (Plus I hate the idea of maintaining custom kernel patches.)
> I've had no luck, likewise, with the Linux TSM client.
> I had never considered another compatible client until
> seeing your msg just now.

I'm using the Linux client with the nullfs hack.  Works rather well.  At 
least the Linux client isn't as awful as the ancient SCO client.

> IBM says they need more "user base" to even consider a BSD
> flavor... go figure...

OK, go out and annoy your IBM sales droid.  I did.  No luck so far, but if 
they ask for user base, give them some figures. :-)


Lukas Ertl                         http://homepage.univie.ac.at/l.ertl/
le at FreeBSD.org                     http://people.freebsd.org/~le/

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