CVSup Deltas

Roman Kurakin rik at
Fri Jun 25 09:15:02 PDT 2004

Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

>In message <40DC46DC.30109 at>, Roman Kurakin writes:
>>   I have the following task, which I don't know (yet) how to solve.
>>I need to keep at home a copy of full CVS treee, but I have very
>>poor modem connection, so I can't cvsup it. The most reasonable
>>solution is to take it from work. But taking full cvs even tgz-ed not
>>very fun. So I thought if it is possible to get all deltas or changed files
>>as a single file it would be much better. Probably there is some
>>special version of cvsup?
>It's twice as old as cvsup:  ctm(1)
I've checked it. I was sure it works just like cvsup.
It seems from the first view that it is what I need.


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