new motherboard - fsck_ufs died with signal 8

Gordon Bergling gbergling at
Mon Jun 21 14:58:48 GMT 2004

Hi folks,

today I am getting my hands on a new motherboard. I upgraded my system
from VIA KT133A based Motherboard (Athlon 1GHz) to a KT266A based one
with an Athlon XP 1600+ (DDR Ram). It seems that the hardware is working proberly.

If I try to boot my FreeBSD installation the kernel boots up and after
init was started I am gettings signal 8 at the following processes.
(fsck_ufs, ...). I tried to boot without ACPI but it doesn't change

FreeBSD will only boot with "FreeBSD Safe-Mode" choosen from the start

Can anyone tell me what "FreeBSD Safe-Mode" means?

My kernel-config is only a little bit different from GENERIC.
Should I change something in my kernel config?
Should I "make world" again?

best regards,


Gordon Bergling <GBergling at>
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