Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode with samba

Hilko Meyer Hilko.Meyer at gmx.de
Sun Jun 20 22:38:47 GMT 2004

Doug White schrieb:
>On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, Hilko Meyer wrote:
>> Doug White schrieb:
>> >I haven't had time to look at this.
>> >
>> >Can y ou try it with -CURRENT, if you ahve't already?
>> I can, but I don't want to do that. And it's no longer necessary. I've
>> installed the recent update of the samba 2.2.8 port this evening and
>> discovered the reason of the panic at the time.
>I was able to reproduce this with -current, but looking at the code I
>don't understand how that vfs op is getting nulled out. It should be set
>to the default operation which just return EOPNOTSUPP.  I guess some
>KASSERTs are in order.
>The function itself hasn't changed materially in months, so its hard to
>tell when this crept in.  Out of curiousity, do you have a -stable box
>around, and can you reproduce on that?

I've tried todays -current and can't reproduce the panic anymore. I think
that the commit in
http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/cvs-all/2004-April/061569.html from pjd@
fixed my problem.


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