-current error

Kris Kennaway kris at obsecurity.org
Sun Jun 20 22:57:34 GMT 2004

On Sun, Jun 20, 2004 at 10:44:46PM +0100, Liam J. Foy wrote:

> > I've reproduced it, but there's no error in the 23 screens of scrollback
> > I have available.  I have to hit the sack now; will have another go
> > tomorrow.
> > 
> > > Thanks guys I have solved the problem with your suggestions. I am curious
> > > to why it says to do this in the handbook then ?
> > 
> > It can be faster.  The handbook should also say to try without it if it
> > causes an error.
> Ah, I should focus alittle more. I have always used -j4 without a problem
> so I naturally thought it was a build error, but now I understand. Do you
> know exactly why it can cause problems at all?

-j should (and usually does) work fine, except when it doesn't.
Sometimes there are race conditions (commands executed out of order)
introduced by accident.  When this happens, you can go back to
building without -j until it's fixed.

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