crash from sources yesterday

Daryl Chance chancedj at
Wed Jun 9 23:51:30 GMT 2004

I've always had problems with DMA under 5.x.  I've had
dma disabled since probably 5.0 and just now got back
around to re-enabling them.  I'm still getting

I can get it to happen quite often when I rebuild my
vinum volume.  It just happened a few hours ago, so i
went ahead and did some debugging.

it got to 21% and gave me this message:

After that, i issued a start mp3.p1 to try and start
the revival process again.  After that I got the

After all this, it crashed.  I didn't get a dump of it
because it wouldn't let me dump...and when i typed
panic to get into the debugger, it reset.

But, I did get the address it was crashed at (and it's
easy to remember because I remember thinking that it
might also be a joke).


also, I was able to get this dump for a vinum crash
i've been having since i updated a few weeks ago.  I
rebuild the volume, save config and reboot and it
crashes. (long
and some probably irrelevant)

Let me know if you guys want me to try anything or run
any patches/more debugging.


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