802.11g/GPRS broadcom cardbus

Bill Paul wpaul at FreeBSD.ORG
Mon Jun 7 16:36:16 GMT 2004

>    Hello,
>    [Nicolas and I are coworkers]
> On Fri, 04 Jun 2004, Bill Paul wrote:
> > Hm. In theory, I think it's possible to make the whole thing work.
> > The only tricky part is that they've combined two functions on the
> > same device. The 802.11g wireless function should work fine using
> > the NDISulator and the supplied Windows driver (check the CD that
> > came with it: there's probably a bcmwl5.sys and bcmwl5.inf file on
> > it somewhere). But the probe routine in if_ndis_pci.c only selects
> > devices based on the PCI vendor and device ID. If the two functions
> > appear to have unique device IDs, then you should be ok. If not, the
> > probe routine might try to claim both the wireless function and
> > the serial function.
> > 
> > If it turns out both functions have the same vendor/device ID, this 
> > shouldn't be too hard to deal with: the probe routine can additionally
> > check the PCI device type code and reject anything that isn't 'network'
> > or 'wireless.'
>    We have not tested the ndis part yet.

I hope you will soon. :)
> > As for the serial interface, assuming it behaves like a normal
> > COM port, I expect you can get it to work by adding the PCI vendor/device
> > ID to the PCI attachment of the sio driver. Then it will get attached
> > as an sio device.
>    Indeed it works, all it takes is to add
>    { 0x432214e4, "Broadcom 802.11g/GPRS CardBus (Serial)", 0x10 },
>    In /usr/src/sys/dev/sio/sio_pci.c
>    Do we need to submit a PR ?

No, I have just added the entry to sio_pci.c in -current.

Can you run "pciconf -lv" with the card inserted and post the
results? I'm curious to see what it looks like.


-Bill Paul            (510) 749-2329 | Senior Engineer, Master of Unix-Fu
                 wpaul at windriver.com | Wind River Systems
              <adamw> you're just BEGGING to face the moose

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