Another followup on atapi issues (progress!)

Conrad Sabatier conrads at
Thu Jun 3 19:41:44 GMT 2004

Well, I'm pleased to report that things are looking better today re: my atapi

I still have a broken CD burner on acd1, it looks like, but at least things are
looking more normal now at boot time .  Both atapi devices are being properly
recognized once again and assigned to their correct positions, and the acd0
device is functioning properly (which it wasn't for a while).

It seems that part of the problem was that I was trying to force DMA on in
/boot/loader.conf.  After upgrading the world today, I was still encountering
pretty much the same problems as before, until I changed hw.ata.atapi_dma to 0.
Then the system finally came up normally.

I do intend to replace the broken drive Real Soon Now.  After I do, I'll post
another followup report.

Thanks for your interest, Soren; I do appreciate it.  Sorry for not following
up sooner; I got sidetracked with a few other things the last couple of days. 

Conrad Sabatier <conrads at> - "In Unix veritas"

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