Project Evil: The Evil Continues

Bill Paul wpaul at FreeBSD.ORG
Mon Jan 26 15:11:24 PST 2004

> hi,
> first of all: great work !!
> i tested the ndis stuff with my asus m2400n centrino notebook. i took
> the driver from the asus m2 install cd (winxp version: w70n51.inf,
> w70n51.sys).
> i compiled everything as described and i was able to load the if_ndis
> module successfully. i was able to change several settings of ndis0 via
> ifconfig (ssid, wepmode, mac addr) ... but when i started dhclient with
> ndis0 i got a kernel panic :(

Uhm... is there any special reason you decided to try changing the
MAC address? Did you ever see a message on the console that said
"ndis0: link up" before you tried to run dhclient? Can you show me
the PRECISE set of commands you issues that led to the panic?

Are you _absolutely_, _positively_ sure you have all of your kernel sources
and modules in sync? Are you _absolutely_, _positively_ sure you recompiled
both src/sys/compat/ndis and src/sys/dev/if_ndis after I tweaked them a
little while ago?


-Bill Paul            (510) 749-2329 | Senior Engineer, Master of Unix-Fu
                 wpaul at | Wind River Systems
              <adamw> you're just BEGGING to face the moose

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