Building 4.x releases on 5.x and 6.x

Ruslan Ermilov ru at
Wed Dec 29 15:40:51 PST 2004

On Thu, Dec 30, 2004 at 01:26:34AM +0200, Maxim Sobolev wrote:
> >Maybe I am missing something obvious, but what if I'll build 4.x chroot 
> >on 5.x/6.x system, put 4.x sources into /usr/src and will try to build 
> >5.x release from within that chroot. As far as I can see, only 
> >operations that use some devices (e.g. md(4) vs vn(4)) can lead to a 
> >problem, but this . Anyway, pretty soon we will know for sure - it is 
> >now rolling distribution tarballs here.
> OK, I see what you mean now. doFS supports usage of mdconfig instead of 
> vnconfig, but since world built from 4.x used to create pristine 
> environment from make release doesn't have one it doesn't work.
The way you cross-build 4.x release on 5.x/6.x is by installing
the 5.x/6.x world into ${CHROOTDIR}, and using that to cross-
build the 4.x world and kernel, and other bits specific to
"make release".  And yes, on a 5.x system, you want to use the
5.x tools to build file system images, including using the md(4)
and mdconfig(8) (5.x kernel doesn't have vn(4)).

Ruslan Ermilov
ru at
FreeBSD committer
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