FreeBSD 5.3 and Adaptec raidutils (again)

Scott Long scottl at
Fri Dec 17 08:03:32 PST 2004

Dan Nelson wrote:
> In the last episode (Dec 16), Matt Rowley said:
>>>In order for the asr(4) utilities to work under FreeBSD 5.x someone
>>>just needs to convert the ports/sysutils/asr-utils port I made to
>>>build from sources as a first step -- patch submission welcomed.
>>Incidentally, the source code won't build under FreeBSD 5.3.
>>It barfs out with:
>>scsi_obj.cpp:424: error: cannot bind packed field 
>>`basic_P->dptBasic_S::attachedTo' to `uLONG&
>>I believe that "cannot bind packed field" stuff is a restriction introduced 
>>in gcc 3.4.2, yes?
> Yes; you can work around it by declaring a temp variable, assigning it
> the value of attachedTo, making whatever modification is necessary,
> then assigning attachedTo=temp.  Do this every time you get that error.
> You /might/ also be able to just remove the PACKed attribute from the
> attachedTo field, but that will cause havoc if the struct is supposed
> to line up with something generated by the card.

I'd highly recommend against removing the packed attribute.


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